ntelligence sources say that the Syrian air force has adapted old Russian made MIG-21 fighter aircraft to fly unmanned and carry chemical warfare materials. This information is now being investigated by a number of intelligence organizations
Popular Resistance Brigades Formed To Confront Israel
Syrian army has pinpointed targets inside Israel to hit in case of further Israeli attacks against Syria, State TV
Al Arabiya English@AlArabiya_Eng13 min
#BreakingNews: Damascus allows Palestinian factions to attack Israel from Golan Heights: sources
#BreakingNews: Damascus allows Palestinian factions to attack Israel from Golan Heights: sources
@NewsBreaker: BREAKING: #Israel has declared a state of alert at all its embassies, consulates and missions – @Naharnet
Israeli Airport Authority closes airspace in central and northern areas of country to civil aviation following airstrikes overnight in Syria
Israeli embassies on high alert
Report: #Israel Using Depleted Uranium in Missile Attacks on Damascushttp://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=9107167424 … #Syria
Report: Israel Using Depleted Uranium in Missile Attacks on Damascus http://dlvr.it/3KjxpR #Israel #Syria
According to the Israeli intelligence asset DEBKAfile, the IDF crossed into Lebanon following a second Israeli attack on a military research facility located on the outskirts of Damascus early Sunday morning.
“One Lebanese source claimed Israeli ground troops had descended from the Mt. Dov-Hermon range, crossed the Lebanese border and entered the Shebaa Farms region,’ DEBKAfile reports
IDF aircraft flying over Beirut, Lebanon
The Daily Star @DailyStarLeb 1h #Lebanon’s caretaker foreign minister says #Israel preparing for something bigger, urges #Arabs to take a firm stance [link to dailystar.com.lb]
Army Radio: The #Israel security cabinet meeting convened by PM Netanyahu to discuss the situation in#Syria has concluded
US source: Obama leaning toward US aerial strike in Syria – Israel News, Ynetnewshttp://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4376367,00.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter …
Israeli Chanel 10 is reporting loss of contact with 2 of its warplanes near the Syrian border.#Syria
Breaking: Israeli media reporting that airspace over northern #Israel is closed off to civilian flights.#Lebanon #Syria
Ghassan Ben Jeddo on mayyadeen TV says Syrian sources told him syrian govt has deployed missile batteries aimed at Israel #syria
HQ of #Syria Republican Guard – & 104th & 105th Brigades of the Repub Guard were heavily hit in the attack” #Damascus http://pietervanostaeyen.wordpress.com/2013/05/05/the-israeli-attack-on-mount-qassiyun-an-overview-of-video-material/ …
RT @DannyNis: #Hezbollah TV releases first (claimed) footage of this morning’s bombing site.http://youtu.be/sm1RZI5RnwY
Al-Manar TV: #Syria to hold an emergency government meeting shortly, with the military address to the Nation to… http://fb.me/17DGLTojD
Syrian Information Minister speaking live now from Damascus http://www.presstv.com/live.html
From GLP: “Speaking to friends in Moscow, the feeling there is that Russia won’t retaliate directly for the bombing in Damascus but will strike back with an invasion of Georgia which they could do very quickly with them still having massive military forces in South Ossetia.”
Islamic Jihad, Gaza:
Israel crossed red line after attack on Syria
Al Manar broadcasts images from Israeli raid on Syria http://youtu.be/NTT_Hq8uSPI #Syria #Jamraya#Damascus
Report: Assad “to declare war” on Israel following fresh airstrikes http://bit.ly/ZJ47l8 #news #syria #assad#israel #bbc #cnn @haaretzcom

Haifa to beef up security, readiness to emergency and reopening bomb shelters and reception centers. [link to www.ynetnews.com]
The Syrian Foreign Ministry sent a letter Sunday to the United Nations and the UN Security Council that the “Israeli aggression” killed and wounded several people and “caused widespread destruction.” It also condemned the Israeli airstrikes, saying the attacks aim “to give direct military support to terrorist groups” fighting the government. Syria’s government refers to rebels trying to topple President Bashar Assad’s regime as “terrorists.” (AP)
[link to www.haaretz.com]
[link to www.haaretz.com]
Russian and Iranian media Sunday, May 5, predicted full-scale Middle East hostilities involving Israel erupting in the coming hours, in the wake of Israel’s renewed strikes against Iranian missiles bound for Hizballah and other targets around Damascus. Russian sources reported rumors that President Bashar Assad was on the point of declaring war on Israel.
Russia Today claimed that an Israeli rocket strike Sunday caused heavy Syrian casualties –according to rumors, at least 300 members of the Syrian Army’s 501st Unit dead and hundreds filling four Damascus hospitals. debkafile: If this is confirmed, then the unit which operates the chemical weapon facility at the Barzeh district north of Damascus at the foot of Mt. Qassioun was hit.
The same Russian source reported that Syrian security forces cordoned off the sites of the explosions against entry. Residents reported after the blasts that the ground moved with the force of a 4 magnitude earthquake. [link to www.debka.com]
Russia Today claimed that an Israeli rocket strike Sunday caused heavy Syrian casualties –according to rumors, at least 300 members of the Syrian Army’s 501st Unit dead and hundreds filling four Damascus hospitals. debkafile: If this is confirmed, then the unit which operates the chemical weapon facility at the Barzeh district north of Damascus at the foot of Mt. Qassioun was hit.
The same Russian source reported that Syrian security forces cordoned off the sites of the explosions against entry. Residents reported after the blasts that the ground moved with the force of a 4 magnitude earthquake. [link to www.debka.com]
(the world has truly gain mad when Israeli forces are giving direct aid to Syrian jihadist forces)
- [9:32 am GMT] The Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu is still scheduled for his visit to China. This is good news.
- [9:10 am GMT] Reuters is also reporting Iran condemning the attack (expected) and calling for the region to stand against the action. Source
- [9:06 am GMT] Reuters is reporting a senior Israeli official on Syria’s Chemical Stock pile as “Not wanted” by the Hezbollah rebels. This is very good news for the region, instead Hezbollah is after conventional weapon systems. Source
- [8:59 am GMT] An expansion on the previous update, an IDF official has been quoted as saying “Iron Dome batteries are deployed from time to time in different locations across the country according to security assessments. The system is currently being deployed in the northern region.”
- [8:48 am GMT] Haaretz is reporting the deployment of two Iron Dome Battery systems (Anti missile systems) near the cities of Haifa and Safed, to address tension along the country’s northern border.
- [3:12 pm NZT] RT is citing a local journalist reporting 300 people dead and a total of 4 blasts striking the area.
- [3:04 pm NZT] The BBC is currently playing a phone interview to a local journalist(?) of people experiencing a minor earthquake before the blast. In his words this could indicate an underground structure being attacked. This is not confirmed – Just the latest on BBC news

***Can anyone conform?*** RT: @Jayron26 It’s official. #Syria has declared war in #Israel. It’s abt to get real in the Middle east .
Israeli strikes in #Damascus continue “@Ebn_Aljabal: Another Wave of Explosions is rocking#Damascus Right now. HOly Mother oF God!!” #Syria
Reports Suggest Assad “to declare war” on Israel following fresh airstrikes:http://www.thecommentator.com/article/3447/assad_to_declare_war_on_israel_following_fresh_airstrikes#.UYW81DpMXFs.twitter … #Syria
An Israeli warplane was shot down by Syrian air-defense unit during a raid near Damascus early Sunday, Hezbollah’s Manar television station reported, citing security sources in the Syrian capital.
There was no independent confirmation of the claim.
Israeli media: 2 warplanes lost over #syria in sorties early Sunday morning. #BREAKINGNEWS Major bombing missions on #syrian regime

From Occupy Congress:
BREAKING: Eye witnesses in capital city of #Syria say #Israeli military has dropped nuclear-type bomb.pic.twitter.com/pYofymNaMJ

BREAKING: Eye witnesses in capital city of #Syria say #Israeli military has dropped nuclear-type bomb.pic.twitter.com/pYofymNaMJ

“UNCONFIRMED: Convoy of over 30 vehicles left presidential palace in Mezzeh. Reports that buildings in same complex were torched” #SYRIA
Assad “to declare war” on #Israel following fresh airstrikes – The Commentator:http://www.thecommentator.com/article/3447/assad_to_declare_war_on_israel_following_fresh_airstrikes#.UYXIX5USM_k.twitter … via @TheCommentator #Syria
RT @The_New_Syria BREAKING NEWS: The #Mennagh airport in #Aleppo has been completely liberated.. // #syria
Reports lots of soldiers were also killed in the blast in Damascus – via RT #Syria
Thousands of Damascenes are taking refugee in shelters with more than 40 explosions heard throughout the city #Damascus #Israel #Syria
Univerified reports say that #Syria is preparing to declare an official state of war against #Israel 05:00 local time http://bit.ly/Urybui
.@IsraelHatzolah is reporting that 30,000 #Israeli soldiers have been told to mobilize in preparation for war with #Syria. #IDF
#Syria #Damascus: Massive destruction and fires are reported at the headquarters of the 4th Division in the suburb of Qudsaya