There is a plan, carefully hidden, trying to keep people on the edge determiningthe lack of spiritual evolution, as if men would evolve would no longer be possible to use something that he possesses, so if the climb was for everyone, would lack the raw material to the plane. So, the best thing is to keep people locked with famine, disease, bureaucracy, economic problems, wars, crime, they are all diversions and distractions so that man, committed to resolving the material needs, DO NOT HAVE TIME TO EVOLVE towards recognition of his spiritual nature. Probably the control plan dates back to the dawn of time, the Tower of Babel, and also before and the forces involved are so large and unimaginable, and have poured periodically waves of fear over mankind. Today the only way to do it is the personal ascension; the world will never evolve at the global level: who really pulling the strings of the world that we will never allow. E 'should be noted that since the communication methods have evolved and have been made available to all (internet in the lead), we obtained an inevitable flow of knowledge and something could be hope in an evolutionary process. But. It happens.simultaneously era of tech have been "discovered" other dangerous diseases (ADIS, Ebola), some studies have been carefully censored, were born new alternative sources of deviant and dangerous information (channeling, websites, false aid organizations etc. .. ), new drugs come on the market, fruit-based alcohol products are advertised to dupe young people and in the end we are always at the same point, perhaps even worse. TO EVERY STEP FORWARD DOING 'Humanity', ARE BORN THAT IN ANY WAY THE CURRENT set back. One of the biggest sources of suppression is expressed in the Middle Ages, a time when an oppressive religious power caused a huge block of consciences which, even today, we carry indelible marks. The world has always lived in fear. Fear is necessary to block the growth; we have seen in the behavior of the cell and organism (fight-flight): if you fear you can not grow, it is impossible. The world has always lived in fear. Fear is necessary to block the growth;we have seen in the behavior of the cell and organism (fight-flight): if you fear you can not grow, it is impossible. The world has always lived in fear. Fear is necessary to block the growth; we have seen in the behavior of the cell and organism (fight-flight): if you fear you can not grow, it is impossible.
Fear and ignorance fuel the trap, the truth make you free. These are some ways to keep trapped the human being: Until a few years ago, despite enormous advances in medicine, there were no studies on the pineal gland nor on substances produced by it; The coccygeal gland, which is to be an essential component of life, has hardly known even by physicians; These two glands, in fact, are not studied in the educational path for a degree in medicine and surgery; Chemtrails, by means of the metals contained in them and the possible reflection of electromagnetic fields that appear to be induced by HAAR systems P procure negative effects on the pineal gland and health fueling diseases and disorders. Wilhelm Reich, because of his orgone or life energy discoveries was jailed and unleashed a witch hunt to censor and destroy his studies; Mercury, that of dental amalgams, vaccines, certain drugs or in a known disinfectant, affects the pineal; Drugs and drugs inhibit the activity of the pineal gland as well as damaging health. A poor diet has negative effects on the vascularization of the pineal gland; The aliens as a result of the abduction cases, implanting "something" near the gland, or the big toe, finger firmly connected to the gland itself. In humans, from the age of 45, the gland begins to calcify, and for which you no longer have to waste energy to stop it: then it is a good "enemy" to attack for a short time; In addition to mistaken, a good way to scimunire people are psychiatric drugs; Now have invented the 'ADHD., the "syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder", the supposed disorder of restless children.Invented for this disorder are prescribed to children on Ritalin, a drug that alters the mental faculties and can seriously affect the behavior causing lead to acts of violence. The US government classifies Ritalin in the same category as cocaine and heroin.Herbert S. Okun, the Control international committee member on drugs to the United Nations, said, during a press conference that his committee is very concerned about the fact that methylphenidate (Ritalin) is prescribed in the United States massively. He adds that every day in the US are taken 330 million doses of Ritalin, compared to 65 million in the rest of the world. 11 million children who are in the US alone each year using psychiatric drugs for all diseases (source: NIMH, Nexus, Angeles Times); Religions are peppered with the teachings of a god outside ourselves and grow unceasingly in the minds of the followers the concept of guilt; There is an increasing amount of channeling, wolves in sheep, profits almost always only to sidetrack inducing goodness for the belief in people; There are more and more placing on the market of new synthetic drugs and more and more dangerous; Medicine Hamer, who might awaken many people and improve the collective unconscious, comes regularly opposed. From the book: Life - the secrets of the pineal gland Archangel Miranda - I recommend the reading of this book will open your horizons. you can find it for sale There is so much more to be said, but this is enough to begin reflect and make choices more conscious and wise, we begin the change about ourselves, each of us has to be the pioneer of change they want to see in the world.The truth sets us free:
These are some ways to keep trapped the human being:
Until a few years ago, despite enormous advances in medicine, there were no studies on the pineal gland nor on substances produced by it;
The coccygeal gland, which is to be an essential component of life, has hardly known even by physicians;
These two glands, in fact, are not studied in the educational path for a degree in medicine and surgery;
Chemtrails, by means of the metals contained in them and the possible reflection of electromagnetic fields that appear to be caused by HAARP systems procure negative effects on the pineal gland and health fueling diseases and disorders.
Wilhelm Reich, because of his orgone or life energy discoveries was jailed and unleashed a witch hunt to censor and destroy his studies;
Mercury, that of dental amalgams, vaccines, certain drugs or in a known disinfectant, affects the pineal;
Drugs and drugs inhibit the activity of the pineal gland as well as damaging health.
A poor diet has negative effects on the vascularization of the pineal gland;
The aliens as a result of the abduction cases, implanting "something" near the gland, or the big toe, finger firmly connected to the gland itself.
In humans, from the age of 45, the gland begins to calcify, and for which you no longer have to waste energy to stop it: then it is a good "enemy" to attack for a short time;
In addition to mistaken, a good way to scimunire people are psychiatric drugs; Now have invented the 'ADHD., the "syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder", the supposed disorder of restless children. Invented for this disorder are prescribed to children on Ritalin, a drug that alters the mental faculties and can seriously affect the behavior causing lead to acts of violence. The US government classifies Ritalin in the same category as cocaine and heroin. Herbert S. Okun, the Control international committee member on drugs to the United Nations, said at a press conference that his committee is very concerned about the fact that methylphenidate (Ritalin) is prescribed in the United States massively . He adds that every day in the US are taken 330 million doses of Ritalin, compared to 65 million in the rest of the world. 11 million children who are in the US alone each year using psychiatric drugs for all diseases (source: NIMH, Nexus, Angeles Times);
Religions are peppered with the teachings of a god outside ourselves and grow unceasingly in the minds of the followers the concept of guilt;
There is an increasing amount of channeling, wolves in sheep, profits almost always only to sidetrack inducing goodness for the belief in people;
There are more and more placing on the market of new synthetic drugs and more and more dangerous;
Medicine Hamer, who might awaken many people and improve the collective unconscious, comes regularly opposed.
From the book: Life - the secrets of the pineal gland Archangel Miranda - I recommend the reading of this book will open your horizons.
you can find it for sale
There is so much more to say but this is enough to begin to think and make choices more conscious and wise, we begin the change about ourselves, each of us has to be the pioneer of change they want to see in the world.
The truth sets us free:à-ci-Rende-Liberi-121083388058285/
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