also inventor of a famous energy drink with caffeine.
The machine has been dubbed "Free Electric" and according to Bhargava is able to generate in just one hour of pedaling energy sufficient to cover the average daily consumption of a house. The energy of pedaling drives a turbine that generates electricity and stores it in a battery.
The entrepreneur decided to invest part of its revenue, $ 4 billion in financing new energy technologies can make self-sufficient houses. The research project aims to provide sustainable technologies and economic to produce energy primarily to the inhabitants of the poorest countries, where access to electricity is still difficult and expensive.
As early as next year Bhargava will distribute 10,000 electric bike to Indian citizens in need. The first 50 exercise bikes will be manufactured in India and distributed in twenty Indian villages located in the state of Uttarakhand, in northern Italy.
Then the bike will be produced on a commercial scale and sold only 100 dollars. The exercise bike is easy to use and can be easily fixed in Ciclofficina. Thanks to bicycles that generate energy thousands of people will finally have the light in the house and use of household appliances, just pedaling for an hour a day.
The entrepreneur, a native of India, he attended Princeton University for a year before you leave school and pursue his research independently.He has ambitious plans and over the bike Free Electric works in sewage treatment plants seawater at low cost and new technologies to exploit unlimited geothermal energy.
At the age of 62 years the inventor, who currently resides in Michigan in the US, still feels he can offer much to the world and especially to the disadvantaged. In a documentary to be aired on Monday entitled "Billions in change" Bhargava said that put their wealth at the disposal of the poor is a moral imperative:
Who can do something to alleviate the suffering of those most in need to act and not just empty promises.
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