That electricity can be transmitted economically, wirelessly over any terrestrial distance, I have unequivocally demonstrated in numerous observations,

[Nikola Tesla]
Nikola Tesla everyone knows him, the Serbian-American physicist famous for discovering alternating current, famous for his more than 270 patents on electricity and magnetism, father of the theory on the conductivity of energy through the Earth.
The basic concept was this: the Earth is capable of transmitting energy through the ionosphere, thanks to the interaction between a beam of charged particles emitted from the upper atmosphere of the Sun, the solar wind, and the Earth's own magnetosphere.
Although scientists have always divided on the effectiveness of implementing Tesla's theories in the field, the Serbian physicist has shown on several occasions how this was possible. Given the importance of his discovery, Tesla began to design the Wandenclyffe Tower, which would have allowed to obtain the same results but on a definitely much larger scale.
While many are still reluctant to admit the effectiveness of Tesla's experiments, all of his results were real and made the conductive properties of the Earth clear.
A system capable of generating all the energy that the world population needs practically for free, is obviously a huge obstacle for electricity suppliers and their miserable aims of economic enrichment and control of production and consumption of energy. power. A clear spanner in the works of one's monopoly aspirations.
These people tried to persuade and corrupt Tesla, opposing his scientific objectives and hindering his experiments, primarily the construction of the tower that would allow the whole world to use energy without the need for wires and without having to pay any bills to anyone. supplier. The agenda of the Global Energy Transmittion program
Inspired by the famous Wandenclyffe Tower, seventy years after the death of the genius Tesla, two Russian physicists, Leonid Plekhanov and Sergey Plekhanov, began this 2014 to design a new tower, or rather two.
After spending the last few years studying Nikola Tesla's patents and notes, the two Russian physicists have given life to the Global Energy Transmission project , which, thanks to the implementation of current technologies, microprocessors and new materials, proposes the creation of a planetary energy transmitter, able to meet the energy needs of the whole planet.
Does it sound like science fiction? Do you still believe that the big electricity companies have a reason to exist and that privatizing the electricity supply is right and convenient? Convenient for whom? For us who pay for a good that should first of all be in the public domain?
The two young Russian physicists, given the importance that this project has for the whole planet, have decided to make
their work and results public on the internet, launching a fundraising campaign (Let's built a planetary energy transmitter) aimed at financing the construction of the new Tesla tower and carrying out all the necessary experiments.
Unfortunately, the campaign started the scoros June 2, 2014 and no media spoke about it with the seriousness it deserves ... on August 1 the campaign ended (for the moment) and managed to collect only 47 thousand dollars of the 800 thousand necessary.
I leave you to the presentation video of the Global Energy Transmittion project and a series of documents to make you understand that the transmission of energy by exploiting the conductivity of the Earth is a fact, not science fiction and that electricity companies all over the world are making a living, as always. , on our ignorance.
Matteo Vitiello
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