
A real "hurricane" hit Moscow, causing damage, victims and injuries (video)

06/21/2024 - A real hurricane hit Moscow, causing damage, victims and injuries. Yesterday afternoon, Thursday 21 June,A storm of great intensity brought
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Strange cloud in Richmond sky (Video)

04/03/2024 - A mysterious and disturbing cloud has appeared in the skies of Richmond in Virginia (United States). The unusual atmospheric phenomenon aroused the curiosity of many citizens who filmed the cloud by circulating the videos online.


A battery has been working continuously since 1950, but the world doesn't have to know

In Romania in the national museum there is a strange battery that has been producing electricity continuously for 60 years.

The inventor of this magical device was a certain Vasile Karpen and it seems that the scientist won the bet, that is, to create a generator that worked perpetually at zero cost. But because this invention was, and continues to be covered up by the international scientific community?

The prototype was assembled in 1950 and consists of two batteries connected in series that transmit an electrical impulse to a small motor. The motor moves a wire that is connected to a switch. With each half turn, the blade opens the circuit and closes it at the start of the second half. The rotation time of the blade was calculated so that the poles have time to recharge it and that they can rebuild their polarity during the time that the circuit is open.


Switzerland Forces McDonald's to Reveal Additives Used in Europe - Here's the List

03/01/2023 - Hard times for McDonald who have to deal with Putin. Now Switzerland is also joining us.

MCDONALD'S was forced to reveal the full list of ingredients contained in its preparations in Switzerland. . Due to different food laws, McDonald's products are not manufactured the same way in every country.

The worst situation is in Canada and the United States, where food legislation allows the use of additives prohibited in Europe. So we are curious to see the ingredients used here in Europe as well. A list of carcinogenic, allergic, reprotoxic and neurotoxic chemical ingredients. Despite more restrictive European regulations, just look at the list of toxic products used in McDonald's in Switzerland to realize that much still needs to be improved. 

Polydimethylsiloxane (E900)

This additive is present in crispy chicken fillets, in fish fillet portions, in MacPoulet, chicken junior, in white meat croquettes, in fried potatoes, in Coca cola diet.Toxicity: E900 is an additive whose toxicity is been demonstrated and which resulted in an ADI (Authorised Daily Intake). Prolonged intake causes immediate or delayed hypersensitive reactions, allergies and is carcinogenic due to potential residues of formaldehyde and asbestos. There is a risk of liver and kidney problems and nervous system problems. Pure polydimethylsiloxane as a chemical corrodes many metals, irritates the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. If ingested, it causes nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. 

Titanium dioxide (E171) – Topping M&M's choco

Toxicity : Although this additive is commonly used in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, the non-hazardousness of titanium dioxide is increasingly debated. The product is classified as a carcinogen (group 2B) by the International Cancer Research Center (CIRC) and genotoxic effects have been demonstrated. The possible manufacture of titanium dioxide in the form of nanoparticles complicates its processing by the body, with the risk of accumulation. The final product contains hazardous residues: aluminum oxide and/or silicon dioxide (≤ 2%), HCl soluble materials (≤ 0.5% / 1.5%), water soluble materials (≤ 0.5%), traces of heavy metals, lead, cadmium antimony, arsenic and mercury. 

Ester glycerol, diacetyltartric acid, fatty acids (E472e) Big Mac Bread, Big Tasty, Big Tasty Bacon, Cheeseburger, Double Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger Royal, Bacon & Egg McMuffin.Toxicity : Chemicals that affect digestion and the action of digestive juices . Studies of the elements of the glyceride family conducted on animals have shown a growth arrest, increase in the volume of the liver and kidneys, poor assimilation of essential fatty acids, reduction in the size of the testicles, problems with the uterus. 

Brilliant blue (E133) – M&M's choco topping

Like most dyes, E133 is suspected of causing hyperactivity in children. Toxicity : The absence of carcinogenic and genotoxic hazards of the substance is not proven. Some tests on mice have allowed us to observe the appearance of localized sarcomas. May cause or amplify urticaria, asthma, skin and respiratory symptoms, exceptionally anaphylaxis. It has a neurotoxic potential, can block mitocodrial respiration, cause gastrointestinal symptoms. The pure substance is classified Xn (harmful) and R33 (risk of cumulative effects). 


E414: gum arabic. It is found in McDonald's sauces and donuts: it can cause rhinitis and asthma.E330/E331: citric acid and trisodium citrate. Found in McDonald's cheese, salads, chicken tenders, nuggets, toppings and syrups, they can cause skin blemishes and kidney problems. E450/E452: polyphosphates. They are found in McDonald's cheese, nuggets, milkshakes and donuts: dangerous, they make the product soft and juicy, giving it a greasy appearance. They cause digestive problems and intestinal obstructions. They subtract calcium from the body and promote rickets. To be avoided for children (but why not adults too…). E322: lecithin. It is found in cheese, syrups and McDonald's donuts: high concentrations can affect intestinal absorption. E211: sodium benzoate. Found in McDonald's pickles: dangerous, causes allergies and is carcinogenic. E338: orthophosphoric acid. Found in McDonald's chocolate syrup: dangerous, causes digestive problems. Removes calcium from the body and eases rickets. E339/E341: sodium phosphate and calcium phosphate. They are found in McDonald's sauces, nuggets and pancakes: dangerous, they cause digestive problems, same effects as E338. E422: glycerol. Found in McDonald's sauces: dangerous, causes headaches, thirst, nausea and high blood pressure. E1422: modified corn starch. It is found in McDonald's sauces and garnishes. E307: tocopherol. It is found in McDonald's chicken: in large quantities it causes skin blemishes and kidney disorders. E220: sulfur dioxide. It is found in McDonald's chicken: dangerous, causes loss of calcium and destroys the vitamin. E407: carrageenans. They are found in chicken, cream cheese and McDonald's ice cream: in large doses it causes ulcerative colitis and cancer. E150: caramel. Found in McDonald's syrups, salads and donuts: coloring obtained by treating sugars with heat and chemicals such as sulfuric acid or ammonia.E620: monosodium glutamate. Found in hamburgers and McDonald's cheeses: dangerous, it lowers the excitability threshold of neurons and causes reactions in the parasympathetic nervous system. It is responsible for allergies and the typical headache and nausea that can occur after eating at McDonald's. in large doses it causes ulcerative colitis and cancer. E150: caramel. Found in McDonald's syrups, salads and donuts: coloring obtained by treating sugars with heat and chemicals such as sulfuric acid or ammonia.E620: monosodium glutamate. Found in hamburgers and McDonald's cheeses: dangerous, it lowers the excitability threshold of neurons and causes reactions in the parasympathetic nervous system. It is responsible for allergies and the typical headache and nausea that can occur after eating at McDonald's. in large doses it causes ulcerative colitis and cancer. E150: caramel. Found in McDonald's syrups, salads and donuts: coloring obtained by treating sugars with heat and chemicals such as sulfuric acid or ammonia.E620: monosodium glutamate. Found in hamburgers and McDonald's cheeses: dangerous, it lowers the excitability threshold of neurons and causes reactions in the parasympathetic nervous system. It is responsible for allergies and the typical headache and nausea that can occur after eating at McDonald's. Found in hamburgers and McDonald's cheeses: dangerous, it lowers the excitability threshold of neurons and causes reactions in the parasympathetic nervous system. It is responsible for allergies and the typical headache and nausea that can occur after eating at McDonald's. Found in hamburgers and McDonald's cheeses: dangerous, it lowers the excitability threshold of neurons and causes reactions in the parasympathetic nervous system. It is responsible for allergies and the typical headache and nausea that can occur after eating at McDonald's.

As far as meat is concerned more specifically, we propose the now famous list of components of a McDonald's 80 g hamburger reported by the English activists who started the famous McLibel trial: 46 g. of minced beef, tongue, heart, fat, cartilage, tendons, intestines; 10g of meat mechanically recovered from the rest of the carcass and then minced; 20 g. of water; 2 gr. of salt and spices; 1 gr. of monosodium glutamate (E620); 5 gr. of polyphosphates, additives and preservatives. 



Invent a solar motor capable of running 25 years without maintenance

07/08/2022 - A retired engineer has managed to invent a truly revolutionary solar engine! Low costs and high performance, these are the keywords of the new “Saurea”.

If one thinks of retirement, he probably imagines himself sitting on a beach doing nothing or with his grandchildren or still dedicated to a hobby that has nothing to do with his old job, but this does not seem to be the path that Alain Coty has chosen. .

A retired French engineer, Alain is as if he had never stopped working, even going so far as to create a truly one-of-a-kind invention. Here's what a retired engineer managed to come up with ...

In his spare time Alain has managed to invent a truly revolutionary solar motor! Low costs and high performance, these are the keywords of the new Saurea, the name given to the innovative engine.

Able to remain active for more than 25 years without needing maintenance or repairs, the new Saurea is an ideal product for hard-to-reach or developing areas, where the lack of spare parts and maintenance workers finally does not would be more of a problem.

The new Saurea has been made with durable materials, resulting in a product that can function for 25 to 30 years. Being in effect an engine that works thanks to solar energy, it could be similar to the others, but currently on the market there is no such long-lasting engine as the new Saurea, an aspect that has allowed it to receive numerous awards, such as the BNP Paribas, the Y'a d'idée l'en Normandie and Ecomasterclass Retis.

It is currently being tested and 100 units have already been built to be installed in remote and inaccessible areas of Africa, Australia, Latin America and Asia.

Its first use will take place in Mali, where the engine will be responsible for pumping water to irrigate fields in a community run by women. According to the calculations, the engine will have to be able to pump 14 cubic meters of water per day without problems. The water will be drawn from an aquifer, 8 meters deep, and will be distributed over a crop of one hectare. At the same time, it will supply water to a small community of 600 people.

Being able to be used in other environments and for other machinery, Alain and his team are now looking for investors and partners to complete the development of Saurea and start a large-scale production.

United States: monument symbol of the globalist dictatorship demolished

07/08/2022 - An explosion in the night had brought down one of the supporting columns of the most modern megalithic monument in the world.


When Michael Jackson declared: "It's all false: the world is manipulated by occult entities"

27/06/2022 - Michael Jackson after these serious statements made, during a press conference he wrote his death sentence, denouncing the global conspiracy taking place.


New York: sudden explosion generates panic in Manhattan (video)

11/04/2022 - Moments of terror in New York for an explosion that took place near Time Square. Suddenly a similar dull roar


Ottawa - Convoy For Freedom Live video Coverage

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