
United States: monument symbol of the globalist dictatorship demolished

07/08/2022 - An explosion in the night had brought down one of the supporting columns of the most modern megalithic monument in the world. The Georgia Guidestones were completely torn down today for safety reasons. It is an image with a strong symbolic value. What does it represent the collapse of that dystopian world that the elites wanted to build?

What was written on this monument? and what did it represent?

Reduce the world population to save the planet
, which humanity would destroy if it were left free to self-determine. This is the project of the elite, which believes it must reduce the world population to save the planet
from self-destruction ... the world war will also be an opportunity to impose a single world government, another decisive step to save humanity. These people believe they are working in the interest of humanity, which will be able to save itself, and of the planet. A legitimate goal, but with deplorable methods, if it is achieved with the blood of billions of people as predicted by the "conspiracy theorists" ... Veritanwo The Georgia Guidestones

(pictured), a monument made up of granite slabs arranged vertically in imitation of the stone circles of the ancient Celts in Great Britain and France, is a warning to us at this particular time. The monument was conceived and donated by a "small group of Americans in search of the Age of Reason": it is a commemoration of the ancient sacrifices offered by the priestly class of Druids to satisfy the insatiable bloodlust of their divinity. the-optimal-population-500-million One of the phrases engraved in the granite of the Guidestones proposes to an elite: "Keep humanity under 500 000 000 in perennial balance with nature", and then: "Guide reproduction wisely, improving health and diversity. " Five hundred million people. The world population must not exceed this round figure, ideal according to demographers and environmentalists around the world. Compared to the eight billion people on the planet, imagining to drop to five hundred million would be equivalent to reducing the population by at least 94% of the total. In the Goals for Humanity, the Club of Rome states that "the optimal population must be between five hundred million and one billion in order to ensure its sustainability." CNN founder Ted Turner went even further with his ideal of an optimal population: "A total of two hundred and fifty or three hundred million people, which is a 95% decrease from current figures, would be perfect." Earth First co-founder Dave Foreman could embody the ultimate in death-loving sociopaths when he states: "My three main objectives would be to reduce the human population to about 100 million on a world scale, destroy industrial infrastructure and subsequently see the return of wild nature to the planet, with all its complementarity and variety of species." On January 9, 1949, the Evening Independent published an article titled Posterity begins at home, in which the author narrates about a man and a woman (George and Grace) dating a course on "world population: causes and solutions". The author, Hal Boyle, reports the dialogue between the two protagonists on their way home: “Grace believed that the planet could adequately support a population of 750,000,000 people. George gently explained to her why she was wrong. The exact figure, he claimed, it was that of 500,000,000 and that: «if the population were to count as many individuals, everyone on the face of the earth would have bread, milk and steaks: all the best things the planet offers us. And there would be no reason to go to war with it, since no one would lack anything. Little by little we should try to reach the reasonable number of 500,000,000 people on earth. "" In this humorous piece, written in a period of less incretinacy, the author's criticism of the nascent eugenics movement in the United States is evident. of Rockefellerian inspiration: the story ends with an image of George and Grace, happy, and with six children. Even today the obsession with the expansion of mankind persists within very specific limits relative to the number of individuals present on earth. In June of this year, an outline project entitled “One planet, how many people? An analysis of the earth's carrying capacity "and released by the United Nations Environment Program, again cites this mystical numerology which reaffirms itself as the ultimate and unsurpassable level that the elites aim to achieve, above which no no human being will be allowed access: "analyzing the 94 different estimates of the limits of the earth's population, these range from a minimum of 500 000 000 to a maximum of 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000." Although this project is quick to point out that "the result of attempts to define a stationary limit for a sustainable population seems destined for uncertainty", the authors explain: "The patterns that dictate the key dynamics of the Earth can serve as a map for the choices that will impact our future as a community (for as many of us who eventually get there)." In other words: they model this or that possible scenario of the so-called "human footprint" and the desired number will follow accordingly. We just have to hope that their computers that process the models are more in tune with each other than those used by the IPCC: the latter calculate the probabilities of a deluge that should engulf the planet due to global warming, or suddenly freeze it due to the global cooling, it depends on which eugenic environmentalist you listen to. A 2010 document entitled Earthly Resources, Will limited water and energy control the human population in the future ?, drafted by scientists at Cornell University, proposes without hesitation the selective culling of the current population up to the figure of two billion. The document initially provides a pessimistic picture for humanity if a selective culling policy on a global scale is not implemented as quickly as possible: "To achieve the goal of reducing the world population and obtain the optimal figure of about two billion in just over a century, from the current 6.8 billion individuals, it is necessary to implement a demographic policy that ensures that each couple has on average only one child. " That's not all: "Although a rapid population reduction of up to two billion could cause social, economic and political problems, rapid and steady growth will result in a desperate situation in which severe famines and epidemics will occur." Note the tenses of the conditional and future verbs carefully placed within this sentence. Reducing the number of individuals on the face of the Earth could create disruption, but further growth will be catastrophic. Through this statement, the authors echo the neo-Malthusian threat: "the population must shrink, otherwise ...". Finally, the authors state: “We must prevent the population from continuing to increase beyond the limits of the earth's natural resources, as this will inevitably lead to an increase in disease, to malnutrition and violent conflicts to grab limited resources. " Similar warnings uttered by Malthus in the fourteenth century and by Paul Ehrlich in the twentieth have obviously turned out to be nothing but nonsense, although the last author mentioned maintains his position to this day. This breed of environmentalist-eugenicists (to use a term coined by Aaron Dykes in 2007) carries a huge amount of weight. Even an organization that calls itself “the world community” is bewitched by the number 500,000,000: “The World Community proposes a strict global policy for charitable purposes, otherwise the situation will deteriorate. In practice, a population of ten or twelve million would be uncomfortably large and would challenge the world's resources. So what is the optimal population in quantitative terms? What should our goal be? A population should be small enough to be sustainable indefinitely, thus leaving ample room for maneuver for both humans and other forms of life. However, it should also be large enough to ensure the formation of healthy civilizations. We propose a world population of 500,000,000 people. " Again these 500,000,000. What is it about this number (5) that makes eugenic environmentalists so angry? According to the mystical table of numbers, 5 represents balance, balance, and so on, but it exactly corresponds to the inscription engraved on the Guidestones, which reads: "Keep humanity below 500,000,000 in perennial balance with nature." Equilibrium. Order. These are words used by tyrants who believe they are destined to reign over humanity. According to the scholar Alan Roper, in his essay Ancient Eugenics of 1913, the number chosen (5) seems to have a sort of mystical meaning: Roper explains that “[…] there is the question of population numbers. It is not the conception of Eugenics that undoubtedly leads to the limit of 5 040: there is a certain Malthusian element, as well as the true prejudice of a mystical doctrine of numbers. ". While writing of the eugenicists' obsession with fixed limits on population figures, Roper quotes Plato, one of the first to adhere to the "mystical doctrine of numbers": "[...] he (Plato) would set the population of the state to a maximum of 8 000 individuals. In order for this static balance to be achieved, the guardians have the task of regulating the quantity of marriages ”. Roper also cites William Bateson's book Biological Fact and Structure of Society, which explains that it is possible to establish the population at an ideal level only by measuring the "energy quantity" of the Earth, avoiding that "a too thick layer of human protoplasm is formed on the planet": "It is a fact that, to date, there should be an effort by hesitant social organizations to fix an optimal number, and not a maximum number . What among other things is the tacit ambition of many advertisers, that is to cover the planet with a thick layer of human protoplasm on the earth's surface, turns out to be a reckless madness in the light of natural knowledge and considerations. " In the essay written in the period before the First World War, Roper states that “there is a natural tendency that limits the number of the population with respect to the amount of energy that the Earth can supply. Among the intelligent classes of a civilized community, this is done through reproductive control. " Let's go back for a moment to the second recording in the Georgia Guidestones: "Guide reproduction wisely, improving health and diversity." The complete eugenics concept of "ideal population" was formulated long ago, more precisely in the nineteenth century, and was in turn the continuation of the much older principles of infanticide. Even today the world elite, obsessed with numerology, keep moving the population pieces back and forth in the name of the environment. Jurriaan Maessen Source: http://explosivereports.com Link: http://explosivereports.com/2012/10/22/global-enviro-eugenic-consensus-fixes-500-million-as-optimum-population-size/ Translation for www.Comedonchisciotte.org edited by ELISA BERTELLI SOURCE: comedonchisciotte.org

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