
Invent a solar motor capable of running 25 years without maintenance

07/08/2022 - A retired engineer has managed to invent a truly revolutionary solar engine! Low costs and high performance, these are the keywords of the new “Saurea”.

If one thinks of retirement, he probably imagines himself sitting on a beach doing nothing or with his grandchildren or still dedicated to a hobby that has nothing to do with his old job, but this does not seem to be the path that Alain Coty has chosen. .

A retired French engineer, Alain is as if he had never stopped working, even going so far as to create a truly one-of-a-kind invention. Here's what a retired engineer managed to come up with ...

In his spare time Alain has managed to invent a truly revolutionary solar motor! Low costs and high performance, these are the keywords of the new Saurea, the name given to the innovative engine.

Able to remain active for more than 25 years without needing maintenance or repairs, the new Saurea is an ideal product for hard-to-reach or developing areas, where the lack of spare parts and maintenance workers finally does not would be more of a problem.

The new Saurea has been made with durable materials, resulting in a product that can function for 25 to 30 years. Being in effect an engine that works thanks to solar energy, it could be similar to the others, but currently on the market there is no such long-lasting engine as the new Saurea, an aspect that has allowed it to receive numerous awards, such as the BNP Paribas, the Y'a d'idée l'en Normandie and Ecomasterclass Retis.

It is currently being tested and 100 units have already been built to be installed in remote and inaccessible areas of Africa, Australia, Latin America and Asia.

Its first use will take place in Mali, where the engine will be responsible for pumping water to irrigate fields in a community run by women. According to the calculations, the engine will have to be able to pump 14 cubic meters of water per day without problems. The water will be drawn from an aquifer, 8 meters deep, and will be distributed over a crop of one hectare. At the same time, it will supply water to a small community of 600 people.

Being able to be used in other environments and for other machinery, Alain and his team are now looking for investors and partners to complete the development of Saurea and start a large-scale production.

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