
"There will be a big Isis nuclear attack against the United States on September 11 style"

"There will be a big Isis nuclear attack against the United States" here is what could happen, at least according to the statement by the spokesman of the Caliphate of Dabiq John Cantlie, the official journal of the terrorist group.

A nuclear weapon or explosive, a large attack against the United States of America. This is the scenario painted by John Cantlie, the reporter of the British war became a sort of hostage-megaphone Isis, on Dabiq , the official journal of the terrorist group.

It would seem absurd but the Caliphate also has an official journal, which spreads his verb at the followers.


And it is in the latest issue of Dabiq, showing the cover in the Secretary of State, John Kerry, the warning to the US: "The nuclear attack" - writes Cantlie - "will be imported from Pakistan to the United States, through Libya then Nigeria and finally South America and Mexico, using the routes of drug trafficking and human beings, with a few tons of explosives. "


Cantlie is a correspondent and war photographer kidnapped in Syria in 2012, and with time became a sort of hostage-megaphone Isis, who is in charge of the magazine Dabiq. A journalist "lent" to the aims of the Caliphate, using any means of communication to launch his warnings and make proselytizing.

Last February Cantlie had made an incredible message to his family: "Forget about me and you go on with your lives. Thanks to the tireless efforts you have made for my release. "

Since that time there has been no news of him except through what he writes on Dabiq.


The magazine has become a sort of press Isis, also served to celebrate the bombers of Texas, who attacked the event dedicated to the Muhammad cartoons in early May. It was on that occasion, when the Caliphate claimed responsibility for the attack, which came the first real warning to the US: "What is coming will be an attack on the most painful and bitter."

Click here to download the latest issue of the journal Dabiq.

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