The Turrialba volcano has made a new eruption of ash and gas Sunday morning, as reported by the OVSICORI monitoring camera, watching from the Irazu volcano.
The activity began 11:24 a. m on Sunday and ends at 12:23. The ash column rose to 500m above the top of the volcano. There was significant ash fall in the areas of Sylvia and The Central. The wind dispersed the ashes to the North West / West / SouthWest. There were also reports of ash fall in Très Rios, Escazu and SanPedro This is the second volcanic eruption has occurred this week after the activity on Friday.
Source : Teletica. Ovsicori.
Photo : Ovsicori
Guagua Pichincha, Equateur :

The guardian of Refuge of Guagua Pichincha , Rodrigo Viracucha, reported that due to bad weather in the volcano area, it has failed to make observations; But on Tuesday, he observed that the vents were slightly active, and these days the smell of sulfur was higher than normal, being perceptible from the refuge.
In November 2014 ,109 local earthquakes were recorded on the volcano (Institute of Geophysics, Monthly Report of November 2014). In December 2014 it was reported that 237 earthquakes were recorded on the volcano (158 volcano-tectonic, 49 long-period and 30 hybrids, see the report of the Institute of Geophysics monthly from December 2014). In an internal report of 26 March 2015, it was mentioned the presence of 15 events, the majority volcano-tectonic (VT) and some long-period (LP) between 05 and March 9, 2015. On 31/03/2015, 58 events between VT and LP were recorded, most of these events are long period events. The total of localized events from 01/01/2015 to 01/31/2015, is 106 events. Some of these events were located inside the crater, the other near the crater at depths between 4 and 9 km.
Source : IGEPN.
Photo : Patricio Ramon / EPN
Villarica, Chili :
In the last 24 hours the weather conditions allowed a visual monitoring of surface processes in the crater, which are characterized by the appearance of pulsating emission of ash and water vapor, with a maximum height of 700 m . And moderate Strombolian explosions that continue to be generated with ejection of pyroclastic material having a ballistic trajectory sometimes exceeding the crater area at distances not exceeding 200 m

Seismic signals are recorded continuously with energies that are at moderate levels. Processes internal and at surface correspond to the levels described at orange alert activity, corresponding to a low and discontinuous eruptive activity.
Source : Sernageomin
Photo : Sernageomin
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