
Because governments seize patents on Free Energy?

Ever you wondered how the world would be if clean energy sources were widely available and accessible to all the people of the earth? If you're convinced you're not alone, the search for a better life on clean energy
It has been the focus of many ingenious inventors, scientists, investigators and even generations of scientists who work and have worked in companies and government areas.

We know that this 'clean' energy is possible, but however, for some reason, their companies can not go on the highway than the average of 23.6 miles per gallon. The gap between what science is clearly capable of and what is available for the consumer mass market is extraordinary, what we do is as if there were no tomorrow, we are frantically looking for fossil fuels, the construction of nuclear plants , all in the seraphic carelessly. 

The truth is there for those who have eyes to see. The tremendous market forces and capital involved in governments and in the areas of 'energy and automotive make it practically impossible promising energy device and / or technological patent for it emerge as a viable alternative and accessible in the real market, and not only to appear on YouTube or on the occasion of some prototype for fairs. Alternatives exist, but why not make them more widely available? 

In addition to the most famous cases like Wilhelm Reich, and other scientific geniuses like Nikola Tesla, Raymond Rife, or Linus Pauling, many lesser-known inventors have patented or attempted to patent functional energy devices that have never been made available to the public. 

How exactly the advanced types and energy technology devices that you have actually been suppressed? It could be argued that the abolition of energy technologies are a necessary evil by the government, as Gary Vesperson shows us here: 

"An understandable reason for the suppression 
of certain types of energy inventions is that knowledge 
behind them is also able to produce advanced electromagnetic weapons enormously destructive as the "death ray" apparently invented by Nikola Tesla. 

So many of these new energy technologies, technologies to "dual-use", especially those who use this type of knowledge of advanced electromagnetic principles are more than 4,000 patents, unnumbered seized and put in a safe at by the US Patent and Trademark Office for their military potential and the need to keep that knowledge to the hidden enemies of America. 

[Gary Vesperson] " Perhaps, some cases can certainly be considered national security, but today, in the age of innovation and technological breakthroughs, the audience is also discouraged for simple alternatives, such as the electric car that was originally sopressa. 

About knows exactly how many opportunities the human race has lost to see the emergence of 'free energy'? 

for example the case of the Orion project, (an organization dedicated to the transformation of our energy consumption), which has taken a close look, and exactly how the government has suppressed free energy devices. 

In their revisions of past technologies (now obscured), they have noted the main ways in which alternative energy technologies have been deleted: "Our review of the technological innovations of the past (now segretate) shows that these inventions have been suppressed or seized by major categories with the following actions and motivations: " 

Before 1.5.1, the intent to acquire technology by companies has been to 'shelve' the invention to prevent the device came on the market. 

1.5.2 A ' systematic action by the United States and other patent offices has been the denial of patent and intellectual property protection. 

1.5.3 Seizure or suppression of the technology by the illegal application of section 181 of the US law of patents or other unlawful application of national rules on what the technology could lead to security, classified or deemed to be "of importance to national security ". Note that these applications are illegal actions taken by criminals on the loose and entities working in collusion with the interests to suppress these technologies. 

1.5.4 Abuses by other bodies for the regulation or license, including but not limited to rogue elements to ' Inside the Department of Defense, the CIA, the NSA, the Federal Trade Commission, the Department of Energy and others. 

1.5.5 are targeted the inventor or company with financial scams, illegal financial arrangements that lead to the demise of the company, and / or similar traps. 

1.5.6 systematic interception of funds for the financial support necessary and indispensable to develop and market these fundamental new energy sources. The synthesis of Breakthrough energy technologies, 10/19/09 p. 6 

1.5.7 The deterrence models are varied as harassment, bomb threats, theft and other unclear actions that frighten and demoralize the inventor, or who owns the development of these technologies;apparently, there have been significant physical damage. 

1.5.8 Incentives through significant financial takeovers, offers of positions of power and prestige and other benefits to the owner of such technologies to ensure their cooperation in the suppression of such technologies. 

1.5.9 Establish a scientific prejudice and rejection of technology in the light of electromagnetic effects unconventional thinking that will not be possible for the formal scientific knowledge. 

1.5.10 Corruption of scientific entities and leaders through clandestine liaisons with rogue classified or private unclear who intend to suppress such devices. 

1.5. 11 The major media entities and key figures corruptions are made through clandestine contacts with private or obscure classified projects criminals are those who intend to suppress such devices. 

" As you can see, it is a domain full spectrum when it comes to suppression of energy technology. What will it take to see a significant cultural change towards sustainable energy technologies? One has to ask whether the suppression of these important things like the free energy 'over unity' is also possible for human beings. 

Buck Rogers SOURCE: http://ningizhzidda.blogspot.it/2015/09/brevetti-sottochiave-soppressi-o.html it is a domain full spectrum when it comes to suppression of energy technologies. What will it take to see a significant cultural change towards sustainable energy technologies? One has to wonder if the elimination of these important things like free energy 'over unity' is also possible for human beings. Buck RogersSOURCE: http://ningizhzidda.blogspot.it/2015/09/brevetti-sottochiave-soppressi-o.html it is a domain full spectrum when it comes to suppression of energy technologies. What will it take to see a significant cultural change towards sustainable energy technologies? One has to wonder if the elimination of these important things like free energy 'over unity' is also possible for human beings. Buck Rogers 

SOURCE: http://ningizhzidda.blogspot.it/2015/09/brevetti-sottochiave-soppressi-o.html

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