
Request for help from Italy.

10/19/2021 - The Italian government is implementing totalitarian regime policies. It took advantage of the declaration of a state of emergency to implement unjust policies of serious denial of fundamental rights such as work, hospital care and essential services, which cause serious discrimination against those who do not adhere to the vaccination trial. That is an apparent ploy to force people to get the vaccine shot. Moreover, before being vaccinated, people must sign the so-called "informed consent", from which basic information is omitted, the signing of which results from threats or extortion. Those who do not sign are banned from their jobs and cannot move freely nor enter public venues such as schools, gyms, cinemas, theatres, and similar. For the moment, people are given the option to undergo periodic quick swabs every 48 hours that they must pay for. It is obvious that such an option is faked freedom, since those swabs weigh heavily both economically and emotionally on people, as even a member of the government itself slyly emphasized. As a matter of fact, since the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Italian government has been banning disobedient journalists and doctors and has been carrying out heavy censorship on media, TV and social media, insisting on spreading only news favourable to the government views and opinions.

Dissident people are exhausted and frightened. Please keep an eye on what is happening in Italy before it is too late. We beg you to help us.

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