
Pomegranate: It 'Poison To Cancer !!!

Pomegranate is a rich source of ellagic acid, a substance newly brought to light by research and also contained in raspberries, strawberries and nuts.And it is this acid that would cause the death of cancer cells, says a study by researchers at the University of California.
The Punica is a kind of Punicaceae (or Lythraceae family plant according to AGP classification).
It includes two species of shrubs, originating in a region stretching from Iran to the Himalayas in northern India area, and widespread since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean region and the Caucasus.

Punica granatum is the common pomegranate plant bushy, high up to 2-4 m, deciduous lanceolate not very large bright green color, large flowers solitary or in bunches the end of branches, bright red. The fruit, the unmistakable sweet and sour taste, is commonly known as the "pomegranate."
A survey conducted a few years ago in Israel by Michael Aviram, a biochemist, discovered that this fruit possesses not only therapeutic, but also anti-cancer, being extremely rich in flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that protect the heart and arteries.
the pomegranate juice, according to research, is basically toxic to the cancer cells.
the pomegranate is indeed a rich source of ellagic acid, a substance recently discovered light from research and also contained in raspberries, strawberries and nuts.
it is this acid that would cause the death of cancer cells.
Confirmation would come in this way in recent days by the British site "Dailymail.co.uk" where we read that some components of the juice in question inhibit the movement of cancer cells as well as to reset their spread.
the discovery was made by a group of researchers at the University of California who presented the results of their study at the American Society for cell Biology Philadelphia.
here we are listed the benefits of the fruit related to:
prostate cancer: pomegranate juice slows the progression of that cancer. Moreover, its regular consumption increases in people operate and had radiotherapy beneficial effects of treatment and significantly shortens recovery time;
lung cancer: drinking pomegranate juice may help reduce the development of lung cancer cells and is a valuable aid for prevention;
breast cancer: inhibition of the proliferation of breast cancer cells.
again, it is the nature to come out to man.
And usually almost never happens the other way.
source: http : // fivitaliablog . com / 2015 / 10 / 12 / a - pomegranate -and - poison - to - the - tumors /
DA saluteolistica.blogspot.it

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