
Apocalyptic hailstorm devastating in Romania !! (video)

A hailstorm apocalyptic and 'occurred in Romania now ravaging car roofs of homes and injuring some people.

From the sky tumbling real ice blocks that destroyed cars and shattered vetri.Un unprecedented event that shocked the city 'of Zalau and the inhabitants, who were terrified of' extreme weather event . 
Of course, the hail is formed during thunderstorms . Within the cumulonimbus, strong updrafts carry drops of water up to altitudes where the temperature is below zero. The water droplets pass before supercooled state (drops of water in the liquid state even in the environment below freezing ) and subsequently transformed intoice crystals . As long as the strength of updrafts manages to keep the ice crystal within the cloud, this will have the ability to join with other nuclei of supercooled water and to increase its volume. When the weight of the hailstone can overcome the opposing force of the updraft, it falls to the ground. Its size and its characteristics, and then depend on the characteristics of the temporal that generated it.

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